Dear Artists (a love letter),
Selling art is hard AF if your CEO & Marketing skills are eh but you ALSO kind of hate it.
​Selling art is hard when you feel icky, your voice is changing, you have no idea what to say.
Selling art is hard AF if you aren't sure WHERE/WHICH platform to sell on...
Selling art is hard AF if you don't know WHO to sell to...
Selling art is such a vulnerable process...most folks don't want to let go.
xoxo, Art Mom
It's me, your coach & educator
My first cash & carry art sale ($400)
A weird furniture store art show popup on SOHO with some friends
Buyer was an Instagram follower
Group show of all kinds of artists
Verrrrryyyyyy DIY
No email list
Some instagram promo from the store and I
Honestly, it was a very odd "show"
What did I learn?
Sales can come from ANYWHERE, not just fancy galleries.
People areeeee watching, they see you & they see what they like!
I put my strongest foot forward in every situation & found opportunities even in the weirdest places.
Have you heard yourself say, "but, I don't want to be too salesy..."?
so I say to my clients...​
but, don't you have something to sell?
don't you want to easily pay your rent or cover your studio fee by selling ONE high ticket piece?
if it feels awkward, you probably are trying to do what you THINK you should do...
if it doesn't sound like you, it won't be believable...
What's inside:
7 x (60 min) zoom calls (we usually run over if the convo is juicy)
1 x Optional Office Hours
Private Facebook Group for ongoing support & communication
Peer-to-Peer brainstorming, feedback
Hot Seat Coaching (on the spot 1:1 coaching)
Lifetime access to all recordings
Limited Spots: Max 20 Artists/Makers/Creatives
What we will cover:
WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE of selling art by cutting through the majority of the bullshit.
But only after we can clear away those weird feelings about getting paid doing what you love. WHICH IS NOT WEIRD!!!
Call 1: Defining your relationship and thoughts around selling. Changing the narrative.
Call 2: Strategy, nitty gritty, marketing tools, brainstorming
Call 3: Setting up the sales strategy WHILE implementing.
Call 4: Troubleshooting, pick my brain, tweak and PRESS PLAY
Exclusive 3rd Party Art Selling Platform List to get your passive income started.
Your investment to this program can be used towards a future 1:1 package
Presale Investment
PRE-SALE PRICE: $597 or 2x Payments of $280
1:1 VIP Upgrade
Only 5 spots, 2 Months of 1:1 access to me while I support you through each module, plugging & implementing directly into your niche business and setting it up DURING this time, with me along your side.
4 x Calls 45 Minutes
M-TH DM Voice Note Access to instantly shoot messages to each other for immediate impact.
Any document revisions or feedback
Resources to support your process
So if you want...
Customized help implementing the strategies we learn & unlearn in order to align to your arts business.
Nailing down your signature voice when you are interacting with social media followers, potential buyers, organizations, gallerists, curators etc.
Understanding how to use marketing opportunities to share your story in a comfortable yet personable way.
An intimate & private space where we can talk about all things holding you back from showing up fully and making those art sales.